Monday, July 23, 2012


Alright, so today, my sister asked me if I wanted to share some chicken from the farm store. And I love their chicken! But I told her no, I would rather have a wrap instead. Then later she asked me if I just wanted to get a 5 dollar pizza from little Caesars and I told her no. I would still rather go get the wrap instead cause I didn't need all the grease. I'm so proud of me!

Once you start getting on the healthy path it starts getting easier and easier to say no to things that are bad for you. On another note, Web MD has a cool, free, diet thingy where you put in your weight and height and age and it tells you where you should be, then you pick from a list on how you want to lose weight, like no extra exercise and eating right, or 50/50 of exercise and eating right. There are other ones but I'm not gonna list them all. And you put in how often you are active, not at all, slightly, moderately active, or very active. Then based on all that it gives you a personal plan on how many calories you should intake and how many you should burn off daily. Oh! I almost forgot, it also has you chose if you have any special medical things, like, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, ect. And your plan is customized by that too. Healthy here I come! 

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