Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Day 3 of eating right....

Okay, so, I wouldn't say I have a hectic life, but, it is really hard for me to diet. I try to, I really do. But then eventually I seem to not be able to go to the store for every single ingredient that is the perfect combination to help me lose weight, and I just don't have the kind of money where they give you super healthy pre-packaged meals. Or, I just am such a bad dieter that it's easier for me to put a can of ravioli in the microwave for 2 minutes than the time it would take to actually make a healthy meal. Anyways, to my point. I decided, this time, to not be the dreaded yoyo dieter, and I wouldn't diet. Instead I would just make a conscious decision to pick healthier choices in food.

3 days ago, my parents went to a Toby Keith concert, they were super excited about it and stuff. Well, the guy I nanny for wanted me to come over and take care of the dogs while he was at work so I had to get up kind early-ish, for me at least. So, I got up around 10 and I was hungry. The day before me and my went grocery shopping, A LOT of grocery shopping, and we actually got some healthier items than what we needed. So Saturday(3 days ago), when I was hungry, I actually ate breakfast. Eating breakfast is like an accomplishment for me, cause I usually wake up around 1 in the afternoon(don't judge, I stay up til 4 or 5) and when I wake up I feel like it's too late to eat breakfast at that point and have really only been getting in 1 HUGE meal a day with random snacking. Anyways, back to my point, I actually ate breakfast. I had a yogurt and a pear. It was small but it sustained me. Later in the day though around 2 I guess I got hungry and actually made myself a real lunch. Another yogurt and a bologna, mustard, and lettuce sandwich on wheat bread. It was light and filling, but enough to hold me over. Well, with my parents off at their concert I was left to feed myself and my friend(nbd) but, because I felt in an independent, I can fend for myself kind of mood, I decided to cook dinner. I made pasta, and since I didn't feel like red sauce I made my own with just different things from the fridge that I know would taste good together(I'm a culinary major). It actually turned out really good. And it was probably the most unhealthiest meal of the day, but again, not too heavy. Anywho, after that day I just felt really good the whole day because I was eating the way I was supposed to, and when I was snacking, I opted for a peach or some cherry tomatoes instead of something fattening. So then next day(Sunday/Yesterday) I went to church with my family and after church we all went to Ihop for breakfast. It was a late breakfast, but still breakfast. I had french toast and it came with scrambled eggs, homefries(which my sister ate most of) and two slices of bacon. After we all got home, I was still pretty stuffed from breakfast so when I got home I didn't eat again until around 3:30 and all I had was a can of the whole grain beefaroni we got on Friday. Later for dinner me and my friend met up with his family and had pizza at 3 brothers, but I only ate two pieces and wiped the grease off because I knew I was still kinda feeling the food from earlier. Then we were hanging out and stuff and I had him take me home around 1 am. And we stopped at McD's on the way, but instead of a hamburger I decided to get a side salad off the dollar menu. It was light enough for going to bed, but it put some food in my stomach so I wasn't so hungry. And now when I woke up this morning I was now feeling great, cause I was actually eating the way I was supposed to, but when I had the opportunity I just switched a fatty item for something healthier. So I did the same today too.

My point is, after 3 days of just eating/snacking healthier items, that I actually like, and eating 3 meals a day, I am feeling really good. And I think if I keep this up then I could end up losing a lot of weight, which, is the whole point of this blog. I want to track what I'm eating and how I'm eating and see each day how I feel, physically and emotionally. And I also hope to influence others who have a problem with yoyo dieting to learn from example. Okay, so you lead a busy life and most of the time your on the road so you're always stopping for fast food. That's really just an excuse that I've realized over these past few days. Fast food joints have salads, in fact some, have a whole section of the menu dedicated to healthy meals. If you can splurge 6 dollars for that double quarter pounder with bacon meal, than you could easily spend that same money on a chicken ceasar salad. It's really all about making that conscious decision to pick a healthier item than a fatty one.

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